Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Throwing down the gauntlet?

A lay Catholic friend from the States just sent me a link to an interview with Father Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the SSPX, today published on the Fraternity's News Site (here). Being versed in the ways of the Midwest, he did not need to elaborate on his intent for me a man of the high plains. Apart from the wealth contained in the whole interview, I am sure my friend wanted me as a prelate to face up to and deal with that last question:

"What does the Society expect from the prelates and faithful who are beginning to see clearly, in order to give a positive and effective follow-up to their positions?

"It is necessary for them to have the courage to recognize that even a sound doctrinal position will not suffice if it is not accompanied by a pastoral, spiritual and liturgical life consistent with the principles to be defended, because the Council has inaugurated a new way of conceiving the Christian life, consistent with its new doctrine.

"If true Catholic doctrine is reaffirmed in all its rights, one must begin to live a real Catholic life in conformity with what one professes. Otherwise, this or that declaration will remain only a media event, limited to a few months, even a few weeks... In concrete terms, one must exclusively embrace the Tridentine Mass and all that it means; one must exclusively embrace the Catholic Mass and draw all the consequences from it; one must exclusively embrace the non-ecumenical Mass, the Mass of all time and let this Mass regenerate the lives of the faithful, communities, seminaries, and especially let it transform priests. It is not a question of simply restoring the Tridentine Mass because it is the best theoretical option; it is a question of restoring it, living it, and defending it until martyrdom, because only the Cross of Our Lord can rescue the Church from the catastrophic situation in which it finds itself."

Portæ inferi non prævalebunt adversus eam!
The gates of hell will not prevail against her!"

[Father Davide Pagliarani, Superior General, Menzingen, September 12, 2019, Feast of the Holy Name of Mary]

No doubt my yesterday's reading coming and going in the car from the Swiss Bishops' Conference had an impact on me as well: Michael Davies book, "St. Athanasius: defender of the faith" ©2011, Angelus Press. Kindle Edition. 

Davies quotes soon to be Saint J.H. Newman on the Arian heresy observing that, despite an almost universal apostasy among the clergy, Catholic faith triumphed because the laity were firmly grounded in the truth. With St. Athanasius and other faithful bishops and priests, they who were grounded in the basics of the truth resisted emperors and heretics. Catholic faith reasserted itself in little more than the one man's lifetime, St. Athanasius. The Lord does not leave His flock untended even in the darkest hour.

Oremus ad invicem!
Let us pray for the counsel we so dearly need in uncertain times and for the shepherds to guide us after the Heart of Christ Himself!


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