Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Et non Praevalebunt!

Phoenix from the Ashes: The Making, 
Unmaking, and Restoration of Catholic Tradition 
Sire, H.J.A. 
Angelico Press. Kindle Edition. 2015.

"The theme of this book is the betrayal of Catholic tradition in the Second Vatican Council, and the historic catastrophe that has been its result." (Kindle Locations 121-122). 

My summer reading brought me into contact with two books following the same methodology of hammering out or firming up a clear notion of what is the Tradition in the Church. Despite his fury, I would class Sire's effort as upbeat, as faith-filled and optimistic. He goes far beyond resigned adherence to Catholic teaching on the Church's indefectibility, that as Christ promised, the gates of hell will not prevail. 

Lots of study went into the book and it deserves respect even in its handling of events from the last sixty years. Some things puzzle me, such as his take on the dismissal by Pope Paul VI of Msgr. Bugnini, which seems at odds with the credible account of the same to be found in the memoirs of Louis Bouyer.  Caveat Emptor!, as the saying goes.

Far be it from me to predict what the next years might bring. Let us hold confident with St. John Bosco and...   pray!

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